20 February 2015

Black Rice - Why?

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Ever wondered what the deal is with this black rice we are starting to see in a lot more sushi bars around the place? Black rice isn't a new thing, but is definitely starting to pick up pace in the sushi world, especially in and around Melbourne. Why should I pay more for black rice sushi? I hear you ask. That is a good question, allow me to explain.

The more common varieties of Black rice (or purple rice as some may refer to it, either is correct) are Indonesian black rice and Thai jasmine black rice. Until recently, black rice has been a secret that was protected from the rest of the world by Asian countries which made it a hard ingredient to come by. Emperors cherished black rice as they believed it held anti-aging qualities, and emperors were normally the only people that were able to get their hands on it. More recently though, there has been a lot of discussion surrounding black rice and it's natural healing agents and high levels of antioxidants, Vitamin E and fiber and the way that it acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. We now know that the emperors weren't far off the mark with their beliefs of anti-aging agents, as we are now aware thanks to scientific research that there is a strong correlation between antioxidants and anti-aging. Black rice is said to have even higher levels of antioxidants than the current leader of the "super food" category, the Blueberry. Research suggests that the consumption of black rice could lead to an increase in general well being through decrease in blood pressure and better blood circulation. It has also been linked to the reduction in the risk of developing conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

In general, it is suggested that black rice and all of it's healthy qualities can prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer's. In my experience, a sushi roll at the average cost of 2.50 per roll is a pretty good deal for lunch, so why not spend an extra 50c to $1 a roll to give yourself that peace of mind that what you are putting in your mouth isn't just high in carbs but also helping you to fight off any nasties that may come your way. Personally, since hearing about the health benefits of black rice I have had it for lunch almost every day for the last few months and don't plan to change that any time soon. It is a great way for those that are unable to always get the nutrients and antioxidants that they should be throughout the day, and besides who doesn't like a sushi roll for lunch.

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